Get notifications on updates for this project. Get the SourceForge newsletter. Get newsletters and notices that include site news, special offers and exclusive discounts about IT products & services. Editorial review. Fixed in Firefox 3.5.2 MFSA 2009-46 Chrome privilege escalation due to incorrectly cached wrapper MFSA 2009-45 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv: MFSA 2009-44 Location bar and SSL indicator spoofing via Firefox Developer Edition. Get the Firefox browser built just for developers. Check out the home for web developer resources. Firefox Reality. Explore the web with the Firefox browser for virtual reality. Donate your voice so the future of the web can hear everyone.
Firefox 3.5 on the Gecko 1.9.1 Platform was released on June 30, 2009 (release notes). 'Namoroka' is the codename for the next major release of Firefox, see Firefox/Namoroka for '' work.
This is a starting point for planning and design information for the Firefox 3.5 release, including schedules, feature sets, and branch process information. Nothing here is finalized. Individuals working on the project or interested in the process are encouraged to subscribe to the following mailing lists / newsgroups:

- Firefox 3.5 Feature List (draft)
- Firefox 3.5 Schedule (wip)
- Security Reviews (wip)
- Gecko 1.9.1:
- Firefox 3.5 Addons Compatibility (wip)
Firefox 3.5.3

Firefox 3.5.11