Visual Studio Code Vue

Search results for 'tag:Vue 2', Visual Studio Code on This extension provides language grammar and syntax highlight for.vue files. This extension is part of VueDX project, maintained by Rahul Kadyan.You can sponsor him for continued development of this extension and other VueDX tools. Syntax Highlight. The language grammar included in this extension provides precise information for Vue HTML syntax (template DSL). When you create a Vue.js project with the Vue CLI or UI and select Prettier - you'll have a bunch of ES Lint issues with Prettyhtml and Prettier. Easiest way to add syntax highlighting for Vue.js components in Visual Studio Code without installing any extensions.htt.


These snippets were built to supercharge a workflow in the most seamless manner possible.

This repo was built particularly for real world use. It doesn't catalogue the API definitions, rather, it focuses on developer ergonomics from the point of Vue of real world use. Included are the pieces I personally get sick of typing, and boilerplate that is helpful to stub out quickly.

Versions Supported: Vue 2 and Vue 3



  • click the extensions button (lowest square icon in the editor), and type in Vue VSCode Snippets, select the one by sdras


  • go here vscode Extensions Marketplace

You can enable tab completion (recommended) by opening Code > Preferences > Settings (on a Mac) and applying 'editor.tabCompletion': 'onlySnippets' to your personal settings



vbaseSingle file component base with SCSS
vbase-3Single File component Composition API with SCSS
vbase-3-setupSingle File component setup Composition API with SCSS
vbase-3-reactiveSingle File component Composition API with Reactive and SCSS
vbase-cssSingle file component base with CSS
vbase-pcssSingle file component base with PostCSS
vbase-stylSingle file component base with Stylus
vbase-tsSingle file component base with Typescript
vbase-ts-classSingle file component base with Typescript Class Format
vbase-3-tsSingle File component Composition API with Typescript
vbase-3-ts-setupSingle File component setup Composition API with Typescript
vbase-nsSingle file component with no styles
vbase-sassSingle file component base with SASS
vbase-lessSingle file component base with LESS


vforv-for directive
vmodelSemantic v-model directive
vmodel-numSemantic v-model number directive
vonv-on click handler with arguments
vslot-namedNamed slot
vel-propsComponent element with props
vsrcImage src binding
vstyleInline style binding
vstyle-objInline style binding with objects
vclassClass binding
vclass-objClass binding with objects
vclass-obj-multMultiple conditional class bindings
vanimTransition component with JS hooks
vnuxtlNuxt Routing Link
vroutenamerouter-link Named Routing
vroutenameparamrouter-link Named with Parameters
vroutepathrouter-link Path Routing Link
vemit-childEmit event from child component
vemit-parentEmit event to parent component


vdataComponent data as a function
vmethodVue method
vcomputedVue computed property
vwatcherVue watcher with new and old value args
vbeforecreatebeforeCreate lifecycle method
vcreatedcreated lifecycle method
vbeforemountbeforeMount lifecycle method
vmountedvmounted lifecycle method
vbeforeupdatebeforeUpdate lifecycle method
vupdatedupdated lifecycle method
vbeforedestroybeforeDestroy lifecycle method
vdestroyeddestroyed lifecycle method
vpropsProps with type and default
vimportImport one component into another
vimport-dynamicImport one component that should be lazy loaded by webpack
vcomponentsImport one component into another within the export statement
vimport-exportImport one component into another and use it within the export statement
vmapstateimport mapState from Vuex into vue component component
vmapgettersimport mapGetters from Vuex into vue component component
vmapmutationsimport mapMutations from Vuex into vue component component
vmapactionsimport mapActions from Vuex into vue component component
vfilterVue filter
vmixinCreate a Vue Mixin
vmixin-useBring a mixin into a component to use
vc-directVue create a custom directive
vimport-libImport a library
vimport-gsapImport GreenSock
vanimhook-jsUsing the Transition component JS hooks in methods
vcommitCommit to Vuex store in methods for mutation
vdispatchDispatch to Vuex store in methods for action
vtestA simple unit testing component

Vue Composition API

v3reactiveVue Composition API - reactive
v3reactive-setupVue Composition API - reactive with setup boilerplate
v3computedVue Composition API - computed
v3watchVue Composition API - watcher single source
v3watch-arrayVue Composition API - watch as array
v3watcheffectVue Composition API - watchEffect
v3refVue Ref
v3onmountedLifecycle hook - onMounted
v3onbeforemountLifecycle hook - onBeforeMount
v3onbeforeupdateLifecycle hook - onBeforeUpdate
v3onupdatedLifecycle hook - onUpdated
v3onerrorcapturedLifecycle hook - onErrorCaptured
v3onunmountedLifecycle hook - (destroyed) onUnmounted
v3onbeforeunmountLifecycle hook - (beforeDestroy) onBeforeUnmount
v3useinoptionsUse Composition API in Options API


vstoreBase for Vuex store.js
vgetterVuex Getter
vmutationVuex Mutation
vactionVuex Action
vmoduleVuex Module
vstore-importImport vuex store into main.js
vstore2Updated Base for Vuex store

Vue Router

vrouterVue Router base
vscrollbehaviorVue Router scrollBehavior
vbeforeeachVue Router global guards beforeEach
vbeforeresolveVue Router global guards beforeResolve
vaftereachVue Router global guards afterEach
vbeforeenterVue Router per-route guard beforeEnter
vbeforerouteenterVue Router component guards beforeRouteEnter
vbeforerouteupdateVue Router component guards beforeRouteUpdate
vbeforerouteleaveVue Router component guards beforeRouteLeave

Vue Config

vpluginImport a plugin to main.js or plugins file
vconfigvue.config.js file, example imports a sass file into every component

Nuxt Config

nfontlink to include fonts in a nuxt project, in nuxt-config
ncsslink to css assets such as normalize

Nuxt Page

nasyncdataNuxt asyncData
nasyncdataaxiosNuxt asyncData with Axios module
nfetchNuxt Fetch
nfetchaxiosNuxt Fetch with Axios module
nheadNuxt Head
nparamNuxt Route Params

Extra (plaintext)

gitignore.gitignore file presets


This is an open source project open to anyone. Contributions are welcome github

If you are contributing a snippet, please be sure to add the documentation for it in the tables in the README, the pull request cannot be accepted without this addition. Thanks!

In this tutorial, I am going to show you 3 ways to run your VueJS applications from Visual Studio Code. This will also work for any NPM project that has a package.json but I am going to focus on Vue for this article. I have found that developers who are new to both NPM & Vue have some difficulty getting started so hopefully this will help.

Node, NPM & package.json

If you're new to Node & NPM the good news is you don't need to know everything to get up and running. Whenever you see a package.json just know that this file is there to help you manage your project. In this file, you will find metadata about the project, packages that this project depends on and scripts that are available to run. Here is a simple package.json of a project created using the Vue CLI.

Visual Studio Code

Now that you have a brief introduction to what information the package.json contains it's time to learn how to run our VueJS applications from Visual Studio Code.

Visual studio code vue

Using the integrated terminal

The first way to run your VueJS applications from Visual Studio Code is the one you might have already learned about and that is by using the integrated terminal. If you're opening up a new terminal/command prompt to run your projects this will speed things up and bring everything back to Visual Studio Code.

With your project open in Visual Studio Code hit the keyboard shortcut (cmd/ctrl) + `. Nero burning rom for mac torrent. Microsoft word x for mac os. The backtick is located right above the tab key on your keyboard. This will open the integrated terminal and from there you can run any script for your project.


What commands can I run?

Visual Studio Code Vue Plugin

Now this is often a point of confusion for those new to VueJS and NPM in general. What is the command that I type to start my application? What is the command that I type to run my tests? After you have been working in Vue for a while these will become second nature but there are cases where you might inherit a project that has custom scripts.

The easiest way to find out what scripts are available is to open the package.json and look in the scripts block.

Looking at this I can tell right away that the 5 scripts I have available to me are:

  • serve
  • build
  • lint
  • test:e2e
  • test:unit

So if I want to run any of these I simply type npm run serve or the name of the script you want to run. The serve script is the one that will start your application up in development mode. The scripts block above is what a typical VueJS project will look when you create it using the Vue CLI and selecting both Unit & End to End testing.

There is a chance that if you're working on an existing project there could be a bunch of custom scripts. In a recent article, I documented the process that I used to create a new post generator that I can run to add a new blog post. In that case, I have a newpost script so to run that I just run the command npm run newpost.

Tasks: Run Task

So that's how we run scripts from the command line but not everyone loves typing out commands every time they want to run a project. With your project open the command palette by using the menu item View > Command Palette or by using the keyboard shortcut Shift + CMD + P or Shift + CTRL + P on Windows. From there type Tasks and click on the Run Task command.

Visual Studio Code Vue

Download photoshop cc torrent for mac. This will examine your project and give you a list of the available scripts to run.

You can click on npm:serve or you can start typing the word serve and hit enter when it's selected to run it without using your mouse. If you see the following options you can go here to learn more about scanning the task output.

If you hit continue without scanning the task output Visual Studio Code will run your task. This opens up a terminal for you and runs the script.

The next time you run the task you won't be asked about scanning the output and this process becomes very quick.

NPM Scripts Explorer

If you follow me on Twitter I put this tweet out promising a tip that you might not know existed.

You might not know about one of these. We call this a teaser trailer 😉

— Dan Vega (@therealdanvega) May 15, 2019

To enable this go into your Visual Studio Code settings and add the following setting

With your project open you will now have a NPM Scripts Explorer in the sidebar. If you click on the play icon next to the script name it will run the script for you, how awesome is that!


I hope this article was helpful in identifying and running your VueJS applications from Visual Studio Code. There is usually more than one way to accomplish a task and not all of us have the same preferences. As always friends..

Visual Studio Code Vue Syntax Highlighting

Happy Coding