Magnetic Metal

Hi Nathaniel,

  1. Magnetic Metal Crossword
  2. Magnetic Metallic Ford
  3. Magnetic Metals List
  4. Magnetic Metals Usa
  5. Magnetic Metal Detector

Magnetic Separation We make permanent Magnetic Separation Equipment for any application, suitable for almost any industry.; Metal Detection Designed to monitor gravity-fed products, pneumatically conveyed materials on belts, & liquids and slurries in pipes.; Material Handling Equipment A large lineup of material handling equipment for the Recycling, Metal Stamping, Plastics and Food industries. A basic stainless steel has a “ferritic” structure and is magnetic due to adding chromium, which accounts for its shine. It can then be hardened by adding carbon. The most popular stainless steels have a higher chromium content and even have nickel added.

That sounds like a very good project to work on! Just be careful with the kinds of metals you investigate. Do not investigate lead, because it is poisonous. It also only has very weak magnetic properties anyway. Ask your teacher about the safety of other metals.
Rust and corrosion strongly affect the magnetic properties of metals. Ferromagnetic metals like iron in which interactions between the electrons of neighboring atoms tend to make their little bits of magnetism point in the same direction, forming magnetic domains. In a magnetic field, these domains line up with the field making a strong magnet. Other common ferromagnetic metals are nickel, and cobalt. Some of the strongest magnets are made with . In some materials, the domains can get stuck so the material stays magnetized even when the field is removed, leaving a permanent magnet, but that usually involves introducing some non-magnetic components.
Rusting and corrosion introduce atoms of other elements (typically oxygen), making new chemical forms with different interactions between neighboring atoms’ electrons. Usually these end up either non-ferromagnetic or less ferromagnetic than the pure magnetic metal.
There are several different oxides of iron, with different fractions of oxygen. They are Fe0, Fe2O3, and Fe3O4. Rust consists mostly of Fe2O3, with additional water molecules attached. There are several forms of Fe2O3, and a common mineral composed of Fe2O3 is called hematite, which is a shiny-blackish mineral. Hematite is not ferromagnetic, but it does still respond to a magnetic field and will be attracted to the poles of a permanent magnet. Hematite itself has the interesting property of being nearly antiferromagnetic, in which the spinning electrons producing magnetic fields in neighboring atom groups like to align opposite to one another, canceling their fields out. This isn’t perfect in hematite, with a small tip, or 'canting' of the spins so that they don’t cancel exactly, hence the attraction to the poles of a permanent magnet. I suspect that the addition of water molecules in ordinary orangey-yellow rust does not help the material become more magnetic than its hematite cousin, but it’s hard to be less magnetic than an antiferromagnet. Why don’t you try an experiment? FeO is also not ferromagnetic, but it is pulled about twice as much as Fe2O3 towards the poles of a magnet. Magnetite, Fe3O4, is ferromagnetic, and is about 1/4 as strong as pure iron. One warning is that rust may be a collection of the different oxides quite possibly other contaminants. In particular, there may be bits of unrusted iron left in a sample of rust, and these would be attracted very strongly to a magnet.
Some substances change the signs of their response entirely when they corrode. For instance, aluminum is very weakly attracted to the poles of magnets, while aluminum oxide is very weakly repelled by the poles of magnets. The scientific words for these interactions is:

Magnetic Metal Crossword

Materials attracted by magnets: Paramagnetic
Materials repelled by magnets: Diamagnetic
Materials which spontaneously form magnetized domains: Ferromagnetic
Materials in which neighboring spins like to align opposite to each other: Antiferromagnetic
Only ferromagnets are useful for making permanent magnets. Paramagnetic and diamagnetic forces tend to be very weak, except for the diamagnetism of superconductors, which is strong enough to levitate them.

Magnetic Metallic Ford

U.S. nickels contain rather little nickel -- they are about 75% copper, and only 25% nickel. This alloy seems to be not very magnetic. Older pure nickel nickels stick to magnets. Pennies are 97.5% zinc with a thin coating of copper on the outside.
Some steels (steel is mostly made of iron) are more magnetic than others. Try comparing stainless steel with other kinds of steel you might find around the house.
Two suggestions of things that can affect your experiments:

Magnetic Metals List

Non magnetic metals

Magnetic Metals Usa

1) Rust and corrosion usually only occur in a very thin layer of the material near the surface. The rest of the material will be just as magnetic as it ever was, just minus the rusty layer. You may not notice any effect of the rust if most of the material is intact.
2) The shape and orientation of the metal object is very important in determining how strongly it will be attracted to a magnet. Be sure that the shapes of your uncorroded and corroded objects are the same when you compare their magnetic attraction or you could have other effects confusing the results.
Good luck!
Tom J. and Mike W.

(published on 10/22/2007)

If you ask someone “is stainless steel magnetic?” you will likely get a variety of responses. Some people believe that stainless steel is a completely non-magnetic material. Others believe that stainless steel must be magnetic because it contains iron. However, like with most things, the answer lies somewhere in between. The fact is, some types of stainless steels are magnetic while others are not.

What Makes a Stainless Steel Magnetic?

In order for stainless steel to be magnetic, a couple of requirements need to be met:

Magnetic Metal Detector

  1. The stainless steel must have iron in it
  2. The stainless steel must have its crystal structure be arranged in a ferritic or martensitic structure.

First and foremost, since stainless steels are a type of steel, which means they must contain iron in their chemical composition. Angry birds for mac torrent. That takes care of the first requirement. The second requirement is that the stainless steel must have its crystal structure be arranged in a ferrite or martensite structure. If a stainless steel is mostly comprised of an austenite structure, then it will not be magnetic.

Which Types of Stainless Steel Are Magnetic?

Magnetic and non-magnetic stainless steels can typically be grouped together based on the type of stainless steel. The following types of stainless steel are typically magnetic:

  1. Ferritic Stainless Steels such as grades 409, 430 and 439
  2. Martensitic Stainless Steel such as grades 410, 420, 440
  3. Duplex Stainless Steel such as grade 2205

Ferritic Stainless Steels:

Ferritic stainless steels are typically magnetic as they have large quantities of ferrite in their chemical composition. Ferrite is a compound of iron and other elements. The combination of a ferritic crystal structure with iron makes ferritic stainless steels magnetic. However, some ferritic stainless steels may have a weaker magnetic pull than normal carbon steel.

Martensitic Stainless Steels:

Many martensitic stainless steels are magnetic. The unique crystal structure of martensitic steels can be ferromagnetic if iron is present. Since stainless steel is a type of steel, there is an abundant amount of iron in its make-up. This makes many martensitic stainless steels magnetic.

Duplex stainless steels:

Painter for mac os. Duplex stainless steels are typically magnetic because they contain a mixture of austenite and ferrite. The substantial amount of ferrite (which is magnetic) contributes to Duplex steels being magnetic. However, since duplex stainless steels have more austenite than ferritic steels, they may be slightly less magnetic.

Austenitic Stainless Steel:

Austenitic stainless steels have a high amount of austenite which makes them mostly non-magnetic. Even though grades such as 304 and 316 stainless steel have high amounts of iron in their chemical composition, austenite means they are non-ferromagnetic. However, if the crystal structure of an austenitic stainless steel is changed through work-hardening or special thermal treatment, then ferrite can form in some locations making the steel partially magnetic.

Why Does It Matter?

Magnetic material can have a huge effect on the intended performance of a material depending on its application. If a material needs to be quickly sorted from other materials, then having one material be magnetic can make this a very easy sorting process to carry out. When welding or performing other metal fabrication processes, magnetic material may cause issues to arise. Electrical currents can also behave differently in magnetic materials.

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